Unlock Massive Followers with LinkedIn’s Game-Changing Video Algorithm

Embrace Short-Form Videos

LinkedIn now features a TikTok-like video feed in its mobile app, offering short, 90-second vertical videos. This new feed, still rolling out, presents a prime opportunity for early adopters to stand out and grow their audience with minimal competition.

Algorithm-Based Discovery

Unlike LinkedIn’s traditional network-based content, the new video feed uses an algorithm to show videos, enhancing content discovery and potential virality.

Strategies for Success:

  1. Personal Yet Professional: Maintain a professional tone while being personable.
  2. Focus on Niche Content: Provide unique value relevant to professional growth.
  3. Repurpose Long-Form Content: Utilize AI tools like OpusClip to create engaging shorts from existing content.

The Future of LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s integration of short-form videos will not replace the traditional feed but complement it, providing a new way for creators to reach broader audiences without needing paid ads. With short videos having 2.5 times the engagement of long-form content, now is the perfect time to capitalize on this feature and establish yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn.

Repurposing Content With Opus

Opus is as easy as it gets for repurposing content. Click a button, Opus will scan your podcast/YouTube video and assess what clips could work best on social media by rating each potential clip by hook, flow, engagement, and trending potential. It will provide context, ratings, a transcript, automatically generate professional captions, and make the clips available for immediate editing and downloading.

Emojis and captions may seem trivial additions, but they are far from it:

  • Captions increase watch time by 45% on average
  • Highlighted keywords can keep your audience engaged and increase watch time by 65% on average
  • Emojis increase numbers of views by 42% on average

Click here to try it out for free!