Chatter #128 – Jen Perelman on Julian Assange, American Imperialism and the Manufactured Culture War

Express VPN 12 Months 35% off!! Jen Perelman, former congressional candidate and host of JENerational Change was my guest on today’s show. I first heard of Jen when she decided to primary Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former chair of the DNC, and one of the individuals involved in the Hillary Clinton DNC debacle. Although she was…

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Chatter #109 – Brian Frydenborg on the Capitol Storming, Twitter Bans, and Civil War

Brian Frydenborg, the journalist and author, was my guest on today’s show. He is the author of several books on the Trump/Russia connections, including his most recent book on Ukrainegate, the scandal being pushed by the Trump campaign as an attempt to discredit Joe Biden. We spoke about the Trump impeachment, the Capitol storming, and…

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Chatter #104 – Ryan Hartwig on The March on Washington and Big Tech Censorship

Ryan Hartwig, author and Facebook whistleblower for Project Veritas was my guest on today’s show. We covered the irregularities in the US election, the March on Washington, the covid lockdown restrictions, and the increasingly authoritarian over-reach of big tech censorship. Just to clear up one thing before we start, we discussed some mail-in ballot issues…

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