Chatter #310 – Christopher Snowdon: Wealth Inequality, Brexit & the Nanny State

Christopher John Snowdon is a British author and freelance journalist. He has written for Spiked magazine, The Daily Telegraph and The Spectator among other publications. He is particularly known as a vocal opponent of government intervention in areas such as tobacco, alcohol and obesity. Snowdon is also Head of Lifestyle Economics at the Institute of…

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Chatter #303 – Aid Thompsin: Digital Cash, Refugees & The Problem With Kier Starmer

Podcaster Aid Thompsin was my guest on this show! We talked about the issues with Central Bank Digital Currencies, why digital money might be inevitable, the issue with the immigration/refugee debate in Britain, and the many, many issues with Kier Starmer and the Labour Party. Guys in the Flag Jackets – Check out…

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#282 – Professor David Edgerton on the Rise and Fall of the British Nation

David Edgerton is a historian of science and technology and of twentieth-century Britain.  He teaches in the History Department at King’s College London, where he is Hans Rausing Professor of the History of Science and Technology and Professor of Modern British History and was the founding director of the Centre for the History of Science,…

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Chatter #251 – Simon Kuper – Chums: How a Tiny Caste of Oxford Tories Took Over the UK

Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, David Cameron, George Osborne, Theresa May, Dominic Cummings, Daniel Hannan, Jacob Rees-Mogg: Whitehall is swarming with old Oxonians. They debated each other in tutorials, ran against each other in student elections, and attended the same balls and black-tie dinners. They aren’t just colleagues – they are peers, rivals, friends. And, when…

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