Chatter #288 – Dan Tubb on The Three Paths Fowards: Tax Rises, Austerity, Or A Technological Miracle

Dan Tubb is a former Venture Capitalist focused on Emerging Technologies & Digital Trends. Now he mines Bitcoin & podcasts about the end of the financial system. In this episode, Dan explained to me his terrifying hypothesis about what the future of the world of finance faces. The British economy faces three prospects, tax rises,…

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Chatter #209 – Simon Youel On Positive Money, Inflation, and Quantitative Easing

Have you ever wondered how a government budget works? How borrowing works? Whether the magic money tree really exists? Positive Money are a group hoping to educate people on how a sovereign government has the ability to create and spend money. Simon Youel is Head of Policy & Advocacy at Positive Money, a non-profit research…

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