Chatter #163 – Mark E. Thomas On The Problems With The Modern Economy And How We Renew The System

Mark E Thomas is the author of 99%. He has spent most of his career in business; for many years he ran the Strategy practice at PA Consulting Group. During this time, he began to explore whether the tools and techniques of business strategy could be applied to understanding the health and stability of countries. This research led him to the uncomfortable conclusion that many developed countries – including the US and the UK – are unwittingly pursuing economic policies which will result in the unwinding of 20th century civilisation before we reach the year 2050. Hearteningly, he also concluded that this fate is entirely avoidable.

Mark is also the author of The Complete CEO, and The Zombie Economy, is a Visiting Professor at IE Business School and has a degree in Mathematics from Cambridge University. The median wage earner is poorer today than they were in 2007. This is mass impoverishment. The 99% Organisation exists to help end this process. The 99% Organisation is an inclusive volunteer movement of people who want to end mass impoverishment using peaceful means. Its members come from all parts of society; they are people like you who are determined to help. If you are young, gifted and black, we want you. If you are male, pale and stale, we want you. Whether you are a beggar, a barber, a banker or a billionaire, we want you. The 99% Organisation aims to make mass impoverishment a key issue for Government, and to drive serious policy change. We want to build a world in which by 2050, everyone is at least 50% better-off than today.

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