Chatter #66 – Dr David Belk on the True Scale of Corruption in the US Healthcare System

Our guest on this episode of Chatter was Dr David Belk, author of the book “The Great American Healthcare Scam: How Kickbacks, Collusion and Propaganda have Exploded Healthcare Costs in the United States”. In this eye-opening conversation we covered:

  • The massive discrepancy between billing costs and what the insurance companies pay out.
  • Why there is no cost sheet for procedures in the United States.
  • Why insurance companies benefit from and encourage price rises for procedures and equipment.
  • Why procedures and medication are often cheaper if you choose not to go through your insurance company.
  • The story of how a woman was initially told she would have to pay over $1000 for 40 pills, eventually bought them for $41 at Costco.
  • The smoke and mirrors of employer sponsored insurance and how it isn’t really insurance at all

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Music from Just Jim –