Chatter #311 – William Steele: Artificial Intelligence & Consciousness: Can ChatGTP Become Sentient?

William Steele is an Irish-Mexican American. Born a military brat in Fort Carson, CO. Most of the focus of his post-secondary education and industry skills are in the realms of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Equity Securities Trading, International Business, Music Composition & Production, and Film. Will has just written a book about AI, curated by…

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Chatter Episode 28 – Carrick Flynn on Legislating For Artificial Intelligence

Carrick Flynn from The Future of Humanity Institute was our guest on today’s show. The Future of Humanity Institute is run by Nick Bostrom and Carrick is involved in their work on AI (Artificial Intelligence) governance and policy-making. Essentially, that means he is attempting to propose frameworks through which we could safely produce AI for…

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Revolution Without Revolution

We live in a broken system, that’s not to say it is beyond repair or utterly dysfunctional, but it does not work for the majority of people. We have massive wealth and income inequality here in the UK and even greater wealth and income inequality in the US. These problems have been exacerbated significantly since the…

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