Chatter #251 – Simon Kuper – Chums: How a Tiny Caste of Oxford Tories Took Over the UK

Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, David Cameron, George Osborne, Theresa May, Dominic Cummings, Daniel Hannan, Jacob Rees-Mogg: Whitehall is swarming with old Oxonians. They debated each other in tutorials, ran against each other in student elections, and attended the same balls and black-tie dinners. They aren’t just colleagues – they are peers, rivals, friends. And, when…

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Chatter Episode 48 – Luke Watson on Brexit Negotiations, Chequers, and Planning for ‘No Deal’

Luke Watson, a Research Executive at Get Britain Out, was the guest on today’s show. We wanted to discuss the current state of the Brexit negotiations with someone inside the Brexit campaign and Luke certainly gave us an excellent insight. We are aware that sometimes we tend to interview people who have a similar worldview…

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