Chatter Episode 42 – Barney Scholes on Why Britain Deserves a People’s Vote on the Brexit Deal

Barney Scholes from the People’s Vote campaign was our guest on today’s show. Barney is the first of a series of interviews that we conducted in London surrounding Brexit, the People’s Vote, and a ‘No Deal’ scenario. We chatted all about the different justifications and arguments surrounding a vote on the final Brexit deal, as…

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Chatter Episode 17 – Sam Ancliff On The Conservative Party Conference 2017

Sam Ancliff of Activate was the guest on today’s podcast. We wanted to get Sam back on to discuss the Conservative Party Conference, the fringe events going on as well as the headline speeches, the tuitions fees freeze, the moral argument for free markets, Amber Rudd, Boris Johnson, and Theresa May’s closing speech. Resources…

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Chatter Episode 12 – Regional Secretary of UNISON Patricia McKeown On The Stealth Privatisation Of The Health Service and The Importance Of Trade Unions

Patricia McKeown, Regional Secretary of UNISON, was our guest on the show today. Ever since we became politically aware and involved we have been horrified and terrified by the gradual privatisation of the health service in the UK that has gone largely under the radar to the general public. She took the time to lay out…

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