Chatter #351 – Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Lemelson: GameStop, SEC Censorship, and Orthodox Christianity

Father Emmanuel Lemelson is a thoughtful and reflective leader with a deep understanding of Christian teachings regarding wealth and finance. Historically, Christians avoided the practice of usury, viewing it as contrary to their faith. However, Father Lemelson acknowledges that today’s Christians, across the spectrum, are involved in capital markets, both directly and indirectly. He contemplates…

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Chatter #319 – Kevin Malone – Finance Is Broken: GameStop, Citadel & Ryan Cohen

Kevin Malone is the founder and CEO of Malone Wealth Management Group. The funds he managed were and remain one of the biggest GameStop holdings since before the Jan ’21 squeeze. We talked about naked short selling, how broken the market has become, the DRS campaign, blockchain stock markets and much, much more!…

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