Chatter #215 [Live] – Mike Yardley On Liberalism, Freedom, And Our Crumbling Political System

The values of freedom and liberalism are dying. Michael Yardley was born in Denmark and educated in England, Switzerland and the US. He has a psychology degree from London University, conducted post-graduate research into direct action and terrorism at the LSE, and is also a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Michael is well…

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Chatter #52 – Jackson Rawlings on Covid-19 and How Modern Democracy Can Change

Jackon Rawlings is our guest on today’s show. We last interviewed Jackson in the summer of 2018 and now he is back to discuss his new project “This Modern Philosophy”. We discuss the Corona virus, the government response, and how this crisis could change (or not change) how politics and society operate. Resources Follow…

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Chatter Episode 43 – Jackson Rawlings on How We Could Reform the UK Political System

Jackson Rawlings, the editor at The Politicalists, was our guest on today’s show. Today’s chat is a little more abstract than many of the discussions that we have been having of late, we got into a number of different discussions about the current state of British politics, the left-right divide, political polarisation, the alt-right, and…

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